Help Logging in with popup

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How to log in using our in-app popup 🔐

Step one:

Ensure you have your nabzclan email and password ready. If you've used a third-party login method, refer to the guide provided, with an optional video tutorial available: guide page

Step two:

Place your Email & Password and tap "Login"


If you've followed every step correctly, you should be logged in without any issues.

Warning: Make sure to leave no spaces to avoid any login errors!

Using the skip option 🔑

1. Tap the (Skip Login 🔑) button.


2. You'll encounter a popup prompting you to enter an AdCode. You can learn how to get your AdCode by watching the videos on the YouTube | AdCode Playlist or by following the simple instructions on the AdCode site.


3. After successfully entering your valid ADCode, you will gain access to the app for a full 24 hours. After the expiration of the 24-hour period, you will be required to re-enter a new AdCode to maintain continuous access to your app.


You will have access to the apps for 24 hours. Once your 24 hours are up, you'll need to enter a new AdCode to regain access. By upgrading to any of our VIP tiers, you can bypass the need for AdCodes entirely. You can subscribe by visiting this URL:
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