Spotify Deluxe

Non-Jailbroken Hack Spotify Deluxe v8.8.44

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Spotilife 1.8 julioverne Premium for free

SpotilifeFix MainRepo make people who don't have premium get premium but you will see the "premium" button and the account tab will say that your account is free but you should still have all the other feature (apart from download)

SpotifyHIFIUnlocker Furman @mdfurman give you the HIFI early but it is a beta so keep that in mind (so you won't see the button)

ColorBoard 0.0.4 Guillermo Moran Changes your keyboard's colour based on the app's icon colour

Volify 2.0.2 Ginsu Adds volume on the bottom of the now-playing screen

SpotifyEqualizerEnhancer 1.2.0 level3tjg Makes the equalizer so much better

SpotifyAllowSetting 1.0 BigBoss Enable all of the settings in Spotify that are usually disabled when using pc

Latest updates

  1. updated app

    updated app to v8.8.44
  2. updated app

    updated app
  3. updated app

    updated Spotify
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